Sunday, April 3, 2016

Whole30 Weekend

It's been an interesting weekend. General Conference weekend. My favoritr weekend of the year because it means the prophet and apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are speaking and I get to see my family!
This year was especially awesome because my sister is in town with her whole family! We were only missing my sister from Texas. I've missed her a lot this weekend. It would've been so wonderful to have everyone together, but maybe another year.
Anyway, my Utah sibs and parents went out to eat. First trip out for food on Whole30. I'm glad my sister is doin this with me. We both ended up getting something we'd have to pick at. I got a shrimp thing, but didn't notice it would have cheese, so I spent time picking the cheese off and putting it on my husband's plate. I also gave him my beans and rice (yup, we were at a Mexican restaurant).
Saturday I made myself a lunch but forgot to take it to my parents. Thankfully my mother has all sorts of healthy food there, so I made "mud" as she, and my nieces called it. It's a shake. Spinach, frozen berries and almond milk. It looked like a dark purple mud, but tasted good!
Then dinner at my sister's on Sunday. Lots of good food... and desserts. My Whole30 sister brought a shrimp salad and I had a lot of fruit. One of my nephews asked offered me half his cookie, which I declined.  "why don't you want a cookie?" Being so little, I went with an easy explanation : "I'm allergic to sugar". ☺ He ate the cookie for me. I distracted myself with lots of games of Avalon!

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