Thursday, April 7, 2016

Whole30 "Days 10 to 11: The hardest days"

I. Am. So. Tired.
I've been tired since Monday, which I thought was from talking to family til 2am. But I slept plenty Monday and Tuesday night. Yesterday I went to bed at 9. 9! Unheard of for me. I thought, I'll sleep til Matt gets home and then I'll be up for a few hours to get some painting done. ppth.
Woke up at 6 to my alarm feeling refreshed.
Then 3pm hit. I wanna nap. Then there was the Sugar Dragon breathing fire against my shield.
Day 11. I psyched myself for this. .... one meal at a time. At work there was a celebration of the end of the big training blitz we've been doing around the state. I was expecting cookies to avoid and gaf some fruit and ate my lunch..... but all those goodies.... all that bread and cream cheese. .... "This is where you really start to experience the psychological power of your food choices and habits." (pg 37) Mineral water is gross. I just want diet soda.
I kept telling myself I just had to get home. After work I'll be home where all my happy healthy food is.
Dinner is cooking now, and I'm honestly thinking of lying on the living room floor to catch a few winks until the timer goes off.
"The good news? Just get through these two days [day 10-11] and things will be much better." (ibid) Okay. I'll trust you. Now where is my blender? ☺

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Whole30 Weekend

It's been an interesting weekend. General Conference weekend. My favoritr weekend of the year because it means the prophet and apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are speaking and I get to see my family!
This year was especially awesome because my sister is in town with her whole family! We were only missing my sister from Texas. I've missed her a lot this weekend. It would've been so wonderful to have everyone together, but maybe another year.
Anyway, my Utah sibs and parents went out to eat. First trip out for food on Whole30. I'm glad my sister is doin this with me. We both ended up getting something we'd have to pick at. I got a shrimp thing, but didn't notice it would have cheese, so I spent time picking the cheese off and putting it on my husband's plate. I also gave him my beans and rice (yup, we were at a Mexican restaurant).
Saturday I made myself a lunch but forgot to take it to my parents. Thankfully my mother has all sorts of healthy food there, so I made "mud" as she, and my nieces called it. It's a shake. Spinach, frozen berries and almond milk. It looked like a dark purple mud, but tasted good!
Then dinner at my sister's on Sunday. Lots of good food... and desserts. My Whole30 sister brought a shrimp salad and I had a lot of fruit. One of my nephews asked offered me half his cookie, which I declined.  "why don't you want a cookie?" Being so little, I went with an easy explanation : "I'm allergic to sugar". ☺ He ate the cookie for me. I distracted myself with lots of games of Avalon!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Whole30 Day 2 done!

Day 2 done! I definitely ate junk Sunday. A "food farewell". It was yummy until I felt sick.
I finally did a little meal planning and shopping today. There's still junk and bread around here since my husband isn't doing this with me.
I made the chili from the book today. Yum!  "no beans, huh?" Nope. He liked it tho ☺ Since I'm doin the cooking he's doing whole30 for one or 2 meals a day. It'll be good for his insulin resistance.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Time for Cleansing

Today was a bit of a food farewell. Tomorrow I start Whole30 with my sister. No dairy, grain or sugar for 30 days. I ate ice cream, cookies, potatoes, junk and junk today. I feel bloated and blah. My husband isn't doing this with me, so there's still bread, cheese, milk and cereal around. Hopefully I don't slip

Time to change my relationship with food.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sushi Substitute

If you're like me, you love sushi, and wish you had money to eat it daily. Well, I have found something to satisfy the sushi craving AND it's easy to make!

Behold "Spicy California Shrimp Stack". Check out the recipe at!

I bough shrimp just for this, but then we used imitation crab, and it was just as good. Also, I didn't want to take the time to cook rice, so I used the microwavable "Quinoa & Brown Rice" we got from Sam's Club. So good! Matt doesn't even like cucumbers, but he liked this. We got imitation crab at the store again so I can make it this week. It's quick, easy and oh so yummy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Post Holiday Resolve

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we didn't stick with the diet the last 2 weeks of December. Aaand we started the new year resolved to eat right. I bought a bunch of produce yesterday.
Monday also was the beginning of grad school for my husband, and if the last 2 days are any indication of the next 2 years - I'm gonna have a lot of time to myself. I can't help him study, so I think I can contribute to his studies by preparing healthy dinners for us.
Last night I made quick stuffed peppers. There is no corn or potatoes in the house, so it was hamburger, onions, A1 sauce and some pepper jack cheese on top cooked in tje oven for a little bit. It was a winner, but with hamburger as expensive as it is, we won't be having that very often.
Anyway, Happy New Year all! Here's to health!